
Thank you for visiting my blog.  If you stick around for awhile, you’ll find that I write about a lot of different topics, some that will probably interest you and some that may not.  Hopefully the mix will be to your liking and that you’ll sign up to receive the postings via email.  (And/or you can follow me on Twitter, where I’ll link to each new posting plus other cool stuff that I find.)

My first posting will give you a sense of why I’m writing and what’s in store for you if you choose to read.

Please note:  If you’ve found your way here thinking that you’ll get content related to the investment world, visit The Investment Ecosystem to learning about my consulting, training, and content for professionals and organizations.

I’ve been married to Sue for over forty years, so you’ll see her name pop up regularly in my writing.  Luverne will make repeat appearances too.  It’s the little town on the prairie where we grew up.

You can reach me by email if you want to connect.

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